Monday, March 28, 2011

I Like You

I like you.
But shhh! Don't tell anyone.
It's a secret for now and no one must know.
But it wouldn't work out right now. Here's why...
1. I have jealousy issues.
2. I'm not ready for a committed relationship, even though I want one.
3. I'm very impatient.
4. I'm not sure who I am just yet.
5. I have no time.
But I do like you.
I don't want to because I'm unsure of whether or not you like me back.
And I'll be so hurt if you don't.
I don't want to put my feelings out there, but at the same time I do.
I like you.
But until I can find some stability within myself... Shhh! It's a secret and no one must know.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I don't think they really like him.
Because if they did, they would save him a seat at lunch instead of letting him sit at a table beside them, peering over. But he sits with integrity even when I ask if he wants to come sit with me because he sits there alone.
He doesn't fit with them. Not visually. He's fat. He's really heavy. But he tries to be like them.
He tries to fit with them and I guess they accept him. But I don't think they really like him.
Not how they like each other or the other people in their clique. They save seats for each other and hug each other and choose each other.
But they don't save him a seat. They don't hug him. If they had to choose between someone thin and good-looking and this blob of conformity, they wouldn't chose him.
But if it were he and I they had to choose from, they would definitely choose him.
Because I'm not popular like them.
Even though he isn't visually pleasing. He's no eye candy.
They would choose him because he's one of them. Or trying to be at least.
But still, I don't think they really like him.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pissed Off

You have managed to make me THIS MAD!
Doesn't happen too often.
I have called you about fifty curse words in my head already.
I don't like you.
Just so ya know, we are no longer friends!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011... Bobby Ray Simmons.

Yep, he's gorgeous.

And on Friday, March 11, 2011, around 8 o'clock, he totally told me that he loved me.
On stage.
And we're gonna get married one day. Not sure when, but we will.
It'll happen.
Soon. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Snooty Booty

I think I may be a little arrogant.
Little bit conceited.
Teeny bit stuck-up.
Very little bit egocentric.
And just a tad full of myself.
The image below... Just might be me a little bit.
Or I could just be thinking too much.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Period Pimple

I don't really care for this time of the month.
It brings out the B in me.
And the ugly.
Like this nasty pimple on my forehead that you can't really see.
But I can feel it.
It hurts.