Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Wouldn't it be nice to think only of oneself?
To not have to worry about whether or not you're being missed?
To not have to care about whose feelings may be affected?
And to not have to guess at what's happening in someone else's mind?
Yes, it would be nice, wouldn't it?

Monday, August 12, 2013


I'm crying right now... Anyone care to know why? No? Okay, well here it is anyway:
My first day of senior year is TOMORROW! Can it get any scarier?? I think I could faint it's so scary!
And the thing is that it's not just MY senior year... It's not just the senior year of the hardworking students at Sumner Academy.. It's not even all about all of the teenagers in Wyandotte County that I grew up with and/or watched grow into adults.. But it's the start of a senior year for literally trillions of people. And when I think about what a huge deal that is for so many people, I tear up....
It's a beautiful concept. I just pray that this year is full of memories, excitement, emotions, and joy..
Prayers for all of the seniors this year... We're almost done, guy.. We've almost made it out
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