Wow... It's been a little while since I've posted, but I should let you all know that my year ended amazingly! Fantastically even! I ended up graduating summa cum laude ranking 12th in my class of 138 students; not the very best, but it was still a great accomplishment! I've decided to attend the University of Kansas in the fall and major in social work. I will not play on a college volleyball team, but I will tryout for KU's club team, so wish me luck! My 18s club team is going to Nationals in a couple of weeks, which is another major accomplishment! I had a super fun graduation party last week and tons of people came to support me..... To sum things up, my senior year may have started out rough and trudged along with a few minor hiccups, but everything ended up falling into place and I am much stronger because of the little hiccups.
Not only am I a stronger young lady, but I can really see God working in my life on me and on my peers. I feel as though I've never been closer to God than I am now and I'm attempting to better understand him and how he works..... I often find myself reviewing my life up to this point and how my relationship with Him as changed so much! I remember when I first became of aware of his beauty in about the 6th or 7th grade... That was when I first learned that it was necessary to have a relationship with Him.. And all I wanted to do was learn more about him and share him with others.. Now that I've been through some rough times I feel as though God has taught me that not only do I need a relationship with Him, but that relationship must be the most important one in my life! I just love how God's been talking to me lately and showing me how beautiful he is. This, by far, is the biggest and best accomplishment of the year...
And that ex, oh my. Well we've come quite a long way! We're still good friends and, after trying so hard to inwardly hold onto the romantic belief that we could one day be together again, we've decided (or God's decided for us, rather) that it's just best to let it go for now. I am sure that God has good plans for both of our lives, which gives me peace. And for that I am so grateful, because I know that that peace had to have come from God....
All in all I can honestly say that I am content with my life right now. God's just been doing some really great things with me and I can't wait to share that with the world!