Sometimes I have a hard time seeing that light at the end of the tunnel.
Sometimes there's way too much cloud for me to make out any of the silver lining.. Is there even a silver lining?
... Yes! ... Right?
I look all around me and see people just stressing. I've got this test, and this exam, and this quiz and so many papers. They trudge along as these big balls of pent-up stress. Anxiety, fear, anger at the lack of preparation.
Is this all that college is? Day by day, week by week, month by month, preparing for the next exam. Taking tests and writing papers. The monotony is debilitating!
But... God says there's meaning in it all.
And I'm not gonna pretend to know what that meaning is. Because honestly, I'm just learning to function on auto-pilot. Without emotions, without fears, without doubts, without much of anything... Except hope. Hope that God was right when he said that it's all meaningful.