Can you see me?
Like how I see you. How I observe you.
Can you see me searching?
Can you see me trying?
Can you see me being something that I am unsure of?
Can you see me searching for someone to be like?
Can you see how hard it is, too?
Can you see that I am me right now but I don't even know who me is because the me I've been in the past has changed so many times that I don't even know which me I am today?
The me I thought I knew was preppy.
She was funny, cute, and girly.
But then she was tomboyish. She was trying to be ghetto.
She was impure. Then she was pure and the holiest of holy.
She spoke her mind and had not a care.
But who is she now? Who is me now and who am I?
And can you see who I am even though I can't?
Can you see me beyond the layers of clothes I dress myself in to cover up my insides?
Can you see me past the shades I threw on this morning?
Can you see me?
Me inside of the outer me.
Can you see she?
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