Monday, February 16, 2009


[Just to let my readers know, all of the names have been changed from real life to protect the identities of those who wish to remain withheld.] 
Okay. I just want to let you guys know that I am a girl who has somewhat great taste in boys. I have amazing taste in vanilla guys, but okay taste in African American guys. I have had my share of very cute vanillas and in chocolates..... Okaaaay...
 But right now, what's on my mind is the guy who I shared my first kiss with. Mitchel isn't really all that but I had a crush on him for the longest time and felt like I was finally getting my chance with him. He's funny, tall, and has a nice body but he's just not that cute. But at the time, I thought he was very attractive!
 We don't go to the same school. He's a grade older than me. I remember everything about him. But recently, I decided to stop talking to him b/c I saw him at a basketball game where he wanted to be fake around all of his friends. So for a while I didn't text him at all. 
 On valentine's day, I received a text from him saying "hay. happy valentines day". so i replied and we got to talking again. I remembered how before, whenever he would text me, I got giggly and happy on the inside. I think some of those old feelings came back again. :( I'm gonna try not to like him anymore, but after all, he was my first kiss. I really really really liked him. 
 I decided to tell my friend [his ex] about the situation and she explained to me why they were no longer dating- he was a "player" and tried to flirt with other girls at the school that he is currently attending. I had heard before that he was a player but I just didn't wanna give up what we had. I liked him too much to listen to  what other people said. I knew that he flirted with me a lot when he had other girlfriends but I just ignored it. I decided to leave him alone from then on out.
 But one day, I was hanging out with one of my friends who is also really good friends with Mitchel. They go to the same school and she told me that he already had a girlfriend. A few days before this, he told me that he was single. So, Angelica explained that he got a new girlfriend a couple days after him and his ex broke up. So, I, of course, was a little upset that he didn't tell me about this before b/c he was still flirting with me afterwards. That was when I cut him off completely. But I stil think about him a lot. Is that normal???

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