Monday, June 27, 2011

So Not Over You

What I thought I had; what I thought I knew
I guess it was all over after we were through.
Once I had a dream that allowed me to see
How upset I am when there's only me
But this can't be real, although it feels true
I was just fine before I was with you
So why am I so hurt and discombobulated
When while we were together, it was you whom I hated
I can't understand. Maybe to me it was unknown
Everything that I had until it was gone.
Even so....
Now that you are gone, it only feels true
That I never have been and never will be truly over you.


It was the last day of school and, for some reason, all of the students were in some kind of auditorium. We were all just sitting around waiting to be told what we should do next. I, being the busy body that I am, was moving around, talking to people, making new friends and laughing with old ones when I came across familiar face. Ahmad.
He was sitting there and I don't remember if he was talking or anything. Maybe just sitting, I guess. So I sat next to him being friendly because I hadn't seen him since our last date and hadn't dreamed of seeing him at school again. Turns out he had been there our whole freshman year but he was just waaaay under the radar.
As we were sitting there talking, a somewhat dark-complected girl came and the two shared a few words. She hugged him and she left. Shortly after she disappeared, Ahmad had to leave too, so we said our goodbyes.
After he was gone, a friend of mine (who is also a friend of his) came and sat next to me. I quietly whispered to him, "That was his girlfriend, wasn't it?" and the friend nodded. Upon finding all this out, you can only imagine the dismay in my mind, but only a few moments later I had to wake up and cope with the tragedy inside my heart.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Changes (Part 2)

Hay, Bloggies! :) I know it's been a short while, but I thought I'd update you guys by continuing from a super old post entitled "Changes" (hints this one is called "Changes (Part 2)"). ;)
So, whether you accept it or not, everything in life is going to change. Depending on who you are, change can be good or bad. Like I said, it depends on who you are.
I don't know about me.. I guess I like consistency and all but change ain't always bad. :) For instance, I used to be a BIG TIME flirt. No lie. And I would always use the excuse that I just have a friendly personality and that people mistook my friendliness for flirtatiousness. Naaa I was a flirt.
But I guess that trait has somehow vanished :) ... for the better. Cause, ya know flirting isn't like totally horrible but overall, I don't believe flirtatiousness is a very good trait to have. :)
However, today at Super Splash I was being kinda flirty with this one guy.. And I didn't really like myself for being that way. I mean sure it feels good and all to boost your ego with a little flirting but that's not a good reason to flirt with anybody. Maybe flirting is ok only when you're truly interested in someone. 
Who knows?
I don't.
BUT I am certainly happy that overall, I am not a flirtatious person. :)
Drop a comment and let me know some things that have changed for you guys.. Good and/or bad :) I'm interested!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Follow Me

Follow me.
On Twitter, of course. But actually, follow my homegirl, too!
She just made a Twitter and it is too cute!
Oh and my friend, Isaac just made his new profile.
So follow him, too! Man, Twitter's the new style!
You know that girl, Angie? She just got a Twitter, too!
And so did Jessey, Billy, John, Chrissy, and so did my boo!
Let's follow all them! Seems like they know what to do!
And for the rest of my life, I guess I'll just follow whatever's cool.
Like wearin Converse, Polo, and Vans. You know that is what's in
That's all we gotta do if we wanna fit in.
Get in and fit in all the way through highschool.
Because, like I said, it's all about being cool.

Houston, We Have a Major Problem

Sooo... At what point do we stop being best friends?? Is it when I tell you that I like a guy then two days later you like him, too? Or is it when you ask me to back off because you like him now, when you knew that I liked him to begin with? Or is it when you ask to come to my youth group again because "the three of us have fun together"?  I'm not sure at which point we should stop being best friends. But I do know that I don't know how long this best friendship will last when you're constantly being scandalous about this situation.
Ttfn, bloggies. Let me know whatcha think! :-\

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Time's A-Ticking

Hay, bloggies! It's been far too long since I've updated you guys!
But trust me.... A new blog post is coming with lots of juicy details :)
See you guys soon!