Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Ex

I've been thinking a lot about my immediate ex lately.. And kind of snooping through his Facebook page.. And pondering upon a few things.
One of them is this: is he still a virgin? .... I just want to know.. I think I wonder that about everyone, and I especially wonder that about him because well, I just do.
Another is this: .... I kind of wish we could still be friends. But I'm not so sure that that's what he wants. I reached out to him (sent him a message on facebook) and we had a short conversation.. I sent the last message and got no reply. So, I'm thinking that whatever I wanted to happen probably isn't going to happen.. And I don't really know what exactly I wanted to happen. I just know that now I would love for us to be friends and maybe even hang out. But definitely talk and be social with one another.
He was a fun guy before we dated... I'm sure he still is a fun guy.. I'd love to be his friend and chill with him.. But who knows if that'll happen?
Not me.

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