Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What Up Doe?!

This is a pretty random post about some pretty random stuff.
I don't have anything in particular that I'd like to blog about, so I'm just gonna type what's on my mind real quick and get yall updated on my life.
I have a new friend! Jeanna's the name (pronounced like Jee-nuh) and she LOVES Christ! The thing that I love about people who really love Christ is that they are human and are transparent about their struggles. Jeanna is just that and I love her and I love that! She goes to my church and she's just awesome.
Also.. My old friend from Second Missionary, Demoy, has been coming to my church lately. He loves it! I'm just so glad that I've been able to share Christ with the people in my life that I love! It's really awesome.
Vernice has also been coming to church with me more frequently. She's dealing with a breakup and I think we ALL know how tough that can be!..... We do and so I'm really just trying to be a shoulder for all of my friends right now. I love to love and I especially love to love the hurt and broken.
I know that that's my spiritual gift! I love being a person that people can depend on and so I'm being just that!
I'm hanging out with my ex tomorrow morning. :-| Annnnnd to be completely honest with everyone, I don't think I've fully healed from our relationship. I think I'm still somewhat broken and I still have some anger towards him.... Soooooo is it healthy to hang out with him tomorrow? I don't know. I know for sure that I'm not in love with him anymore and it's interesting learning the ways that I deal with breakups..... I honestly feel sick to my stomach when I think about him sometimes.
Maybe it's a bad idea to hang out with him tomorrow....
I don't know. I'm just kind of bleh about everything.
Pray for me everyone. Thanks

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