Friday, October 10, 2014

We All Want It

All women want this one thing: to be validated by a man so that our self-confidence (whether great or small) can be affirmed. This may not be and is more than likely not the ONLY thing that a lot of women want, but I've come to learn that most of us do want it, and seek it out in various ways....
For example, I've learned about myself recently that I use my extroverted personality to be somewhat more friendly around guys because it makes me feel closer to them and that is something that validates me in my mind. Knowing that I can get emotionally close to a guy makes me feel better about myself.
Another example that I've seen in one of my friends is that she loves having male companions. Usually these male companions end up seeking lustful relations with my friend, and she usually submits. Why? Because she wants to be validated and she wants to feel as though she has the approval of a man in her life.
I have another friend who thrives off of male attention. She has a boyfriend, who mistreats and abuses her. But she stays with him and loves him with all of her entire whole heart! Why? Because she's seeking the validation of a man in her life.
Why why why do we seek this affirmation from men? Is there something biologically wrong with all women that causes us to have this HUGE VOID in our hearts which can only be filled by men?!??

Fortunately and unfortunately, the answer is no. This answer is unfortunate because all of us women are searching so hard for something to fill this void in literally ALL the wrong places. And I do mean literally. But this is also fortunate because if men could fill this huge void in our hearts, we'd never seek out the love of THE ONLY MAN that is worthy enough to fill it. He's the only one who can truly fill it and truly satisfy our needs......

I've had to learn this lesson the hard way... Fortunately and unfortunately. I endured so much pain in order to come to this realization, but I know for sure that it was sooooooooo worth it!! And I'm glad that I'm able to see that no man can fill this void so that I can tell all the women around me about the only man that can.... Jesus.

Man. There are really so many ways in which he showed this love for us and I probably couldn't even fit it all into one post. Recently, I've learned about how he suffered through so much freaking pain in expression of his love for us. Like can you even imagine a guy that would suffer through humiliation for you, ladies?!? A man that would be whipped and brutally beaten and then crucified in front of HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE just to show that he loves you?!? Man.... Really he's just been showing me more and more each day how great his love is for ME. ME specifically.

Jesus loves ME. So much more than any guy on this earth could ever love me! And because of that, I give my heart to him. My heart in its entirety. I know that only he knows what to do with it and I pray that the beautiful women around me will learn to do the same... It ain't easy, but it's so worth it.....

Let's just seek the validation of the man who loves us more than ANYTHING. ♥ ♥ ♥

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